About Lindsey Lee's AI One Click & Go Pro
*2 quick-adjust AI presets for desktop use
One Click to Revolutionize Your Image!
Experience the revolutionary One Click Pro Presets that can effortlessly enhance more than 90 percent of your work with just a single click. This potent tool delivers smooth and polished results through the one-click pro preset, while for striking painterly effects, try out my “One-click Pro Drama!” preset.
*AI or Adaptive presets are one-click tools accessible through
Lightroom's Develop module applies AI-detected settings changes locally in the most recent versions of Lightroom, Lightroom Classic, and Photoshop ACR for desktops.
*Introducing Lightroom and Photoshop presets designed for effortless editing. These presets offer a true click-and-go experience, streamlining your editing process with professional-quality results.
In this set, you'll find two versions of each preset. With just one click, these presets will seamlessly airbrush skin, color grade, sharpen details, enhance backgrounds, and bring out the best in teeth, eyes, hair, and clothing. Whether you prefer the default settings or desire customization, each layer is adjustable to suit your preferences.
But wait, there's more! For those seeking an extra touch of drama and artistry, the second preset, dubbed "Click & Pro Drama," takes your editing to the next level. In addition to all the enhancements of the standard preset, it adds a captivating painterly effect to your subject, elevating your images to new creative heights.